Typhoon NEO

The Typhoon NEO knows almost no com­pro­mises! Prepa­red for 3 tone­arms and equip­ped with the second-highest expan­sion stages of our newest drive sys­tem and chas­sis techno­logies, this high mass turn­table will pro­duce high audio­phile waves – in the most posi­tive sense. It is abso­lutely clear to us: The overall perfor­mance of the Acoustic Signa­ture Typhoon NEO is at a level that will beat some of the world’s best and much more expen­sive turn­tables.

3 integrated, completely insulated AC-motors
External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 2 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
Exclusive silencer technology with 24 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
3-point setup with special gel-damped feet

We will be closed Wednesday the 9th through Friday the 11th so our team can visit the Dan D'Agostino factory and learn all about what makes them so amazing.

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