Maximus NEO

What is the refe­rence pro­duct for other manu­fac­tu­rers is the star­ting point turn­table for Acoustic Signature. The Maximus NEO, the succes­sor of the popu­lar Maximus, already per­forms at a level that lea­ves many so-called flag­ships behind!

Quiet AC-motor with external, super stable multi-voltage power supply
Integrated digital motor controller
Innovative AVC technology level 1 (Automatic Vibration Control)
Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
New and 30 % larger, resonance-reducing aluminum alloy chassis with aluminum platter

We will be closed Wednesday the 9th through Friday the 11th so our team can visit the Dan D'Agostino factory and learn all about what makes them so amazing.

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