Wilson Audio - Authentic Excellence
Since 1974, Wilson Audio has been one of the highest regarded speaker manufacturers amongst audiophiles across the world. Wilson speakers not only appear to be modern day works of art, but their sound is unmatched as well.
Evolution Home Theater is proud to be an authorized Wilson Audio dealer. Call us today to find out more!
WAMM, Master Chronosonic

From its inception, the WAMM Master Chronosonic was designed to cover the entire audible spectral bandwidth with an unprecedented time-domain fidelity, ultra-low distortion, and exceptionally well controlled enclosure resonance. It is a laboratory grade instrument on the one hand and an unalloyed conduit to a numinous connection to music on the other.
Chronosonic XVX

When developing the WAMM, the ultra-precise and minute adjustment of the modules in the time domain required more time and resources than any other single element. After more than a year of engineering time, Wilson completed the WAMM Master Chronosonic Micrometer system—a mechanism that facilitated the exact movement of the critical elements within the array.
Alexx V

The original Alexx loudspeaker, launched in 2016, quickly gained critical acclaim throughout the industry. Alexx benefited from several elements developed during the five years Wilson Audio’s founder David A. Wilson, and his unwavering R&D team, brought to life his magnum opus: the WAMM Master Chronosonic. Now, five years after the monumental accomplishment of the WAMM, Alexx V builds upon the original.
Alexia V

Wilson Audio is well known for its continuous pursuit of “Excellence in All Things™” and persistent R&D advancements. As development finished on Alexx V® and as Alexia® Series 2 reached its five year anniversary, Wilson Audio’s Engineers were put to the test to see how far they could push Alexia’s performance envelope.
Sasha DAW

Wilson Audio can’t help but think of Dave’s original WATT/Puppy, which was first launched nearly 30 years ago, and which is the lineal ancestor of the first Sasha. The DAW designation for this Sasha—DAW for Dave Andrew Wilson—is a nomenclative homage to the man who started it all. Introducing the Sasha DAW, a loudspeaker that simultaneously honors the past and heralds the future.

The new Yvette draws from this formidable tradition. But perhaps most importantly, it sources much of its technology directly from the enormous research-and-development reservoir of what is perhaps Wilson’s most prolific era of innovation to date. The Sasha Series 2, the Alexia, and Dave Wilson latest WAMM project have all informed Yvette’s development , in some cases, with identical components.

When looking for ways to improve Sabrina, Daryl drew directly from his last project, the Chronosonic XVX. With those tools in hand, Daryl evolved an already great platform into a loudspeaker with even greater musicality—while at the same time, improving its transient speed, resolution, intimacy, and transparency.

TuneTot is but one element within an ecosystem populated with custom, a la carte tools and accessories (purchased separately) designed to maximize TuneTot’s cosmetic beauty and musical performance in a wide variety of applications.

The Mezzo crossover features technology adapted from the Sasha W/P Series 2. The goal was to reduce propagation-delay “jitter”—noise generated as a result of interactions between the different crossovers. As a result, Mezzo’s overall resolution, intertransient silence, dynamic speed and nuance are nearly identical to the Sasha W/P.
Watch Center

Wilson center-channel loudspeakers have always been modular and adjustable in the time domain. The adjustable tweeter module facilitates precise time alignment between the center channel and the front stereo speakers, creating a completely coherent and three-dimensional sound field.

Unlike most wall-mount speakers, Alida possesses all the salient attributes of Wilson loudspeakers: dynamic agility, tonal expression, and musical beauty. The Alida incorporates the same anti-jitter crossover technology that underlies the astonishingly grain-free transparency and musicality of full-size Wilson loudspeakers.

From the beginning, the Wilson Audio Special Application Engineering® team wanted to create a subwoofer system that follows the North Star development parameters set forth by David Wilson.
Watch Dog

The WATCH Dog is an ultra-high-performance, compact, passive subwoofer. There’s a widespread myth that since subwoofers operate in the low to subsonic frequency range, the sonic quality of the amplifier used to drive them is not critical.
Wilson Subsonic

The Wilson Audio Subsonic is the fraternal twin of the WAMM Master Subsonic. It features the same subwoofer drivers and the same internal volume. The differences lie in the finish details. The metal work in the WAMM Master Subsonic features the prismatic finish that mirrors (no pun intended) the WAMM’s main array gantry.
Thor's Hammer

The benchmark in designing Thor’s Hammer was simple: create a subwoofer that would be, in every measure, a worthy addition to a music system built around Wilson’s flagship loudspeakers.